Hotel Packages & Offers

Hotel Kämp has many offers and campaigns available throughout the year, changing with the Finnish seasons and trends of the travel business. Warmest of welcome to experience Hotel Kämp, Helsinki's Finest.

Escape to Helsinki and enjoy exclusive Hotel Kämp Winter rates including luxurious accommodation in the heart of Helsinki, a delicious breakfast, and more.

Sky High Experience All Inclusive vacation at Kämp includes luxurious night, private helicopter flight around Helsinki City, seasonal dinner, champagne and more.

Take a taste journey and enjoy the seasonal delicacies of Hotel Kämp. The comfortable rooms and suites of the hotel offer a safe haven close to – yet far away – from everything.

Experience the Magic of Love at Kämp filled with unforgettable moments: perfect for wedding nights, anniversaries and getaways with the love of your life.

Welcome to spend effortless and comfortable Family Getaway in Hotel Kämp: offer includes exclusive -50 % stay for the children's room and complimentary dining. Kämp's five star services ensure a hotel experience enjoyable for all family members.

​Become our guest, it would be our privilege.​

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